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Chat Resort forum closed and will be done here from this point on.

closing the sites

David · 2512

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on: November 07, 2019, 07:31:29 PM
Back in August I addressed an rumor about the sites, Starlight Chat & Chat Resort both was going to be closing it's doors.

I swore as long as there was people who wanted the site up and going I was going to keep them running. Unfortunately it seems that people would rather just go elsewhere and use my site just as hosting place these days flooding it with dead rooms instead.  The site has become more of a backup alternative. In fact it seems the web storage gets more use than the rooms. Using it for hosting of avatars to use elsewhere more so. And then there is people opening rooms at other sites. While this never bothered me to much before, I mean it is their life, their money and time, but I have to say noticing more often, it does start to chip away at me.

I gotten blamed for the lack of people in the rooms. Perhaps so to some degree, But to be honest, I done my job hosting the site, the rooms, the web storage. I never listed on the site, that I would gain your purchased room, members to it. Sorry but that is not my job. Yes I understand the site has had some issues at times over the years. What site hasn't? I can name other sites but why bother?  Yes, I can admit that some has had trouble loading the rooms, this is not always an issue with the site, there are other issues that can cause that, but the site gets a quick blame for it.  Yes, I do understand when I ban a IP certain ways it can block someone else at times, But I am always quick to fix it if I can, when the issue is brought to me. And lastly,  yes. I am well aware, that if I blocked a site, that it might cause some issues of others displaying their avatars. To that one, if that site wasn't so hard up on advertising, and showing disrespect to my sites, I wouldn't have to do that. But for a lot of times, people look passed that part.

I have had a lot of good and bad things happen over the 20 years on the sites. I have made some good friends, and I have had friendships end. I have had a friend decide it was OK to share my personal life to just about anyone who would listen. And without my consent I might add. And when Dan/Primus got caught, he acted as if that was the bad part. Being busted!. yeah, how dare I get upset that someone I knew r/t for many years/ school together, was at my place many times eating up the food here, staying over night when he would get into an issue with his father,  thought as a brother, right?  So if anyone was ever wondering what happened to that "Admin" well now you know. I got rid of him. It's funny how certain ones he spoke too left the site before hand too. But what do I expect from gossip queens. If I want to share my entire life
 like a open book, I think I would do that myself. Oh well fuck them. 

Either way I kept going on, despite all the minor issues that the site has given. I tried my best to make sure the sites continue to remain up. I have had a lot of hard times lately dealing with family health. Then losing my father this past September. My time became far more limited.

But let's face has become less fun these days. For everyone it seems, including myself. If I come off frustrated, bitter or even a little upset in this post,  I probably am. But that is life right? Take the blows and move on.

I have had to constantly remove trouble from rooms, more so lately because children of the night can't help but play, instead of growing up to be the adult they say they are.

I have had site owners feel it is OK to come to my sites, and advertise. I mean if you have to be told that your avatar which shows your site name, is not OK, it shows you don't really have the class in the first place. How do you expect people to follow your site rules, if you can't follow others? How do you expect people to not talk shit about your site, if you do it freely about others?  Let's not forget to use my sites as a alternative in the first place, when yours is down, or when you need a place to hide a fuck session, and then you throw shade onto it,  Pretty sad, and disrespectful. But of course, offering freebies to people to get them to come to the site, to keep them to stay by offering free memberships, reserved names, open rooms, etc. I wouldn't expect anything less.  Yes I'm referring to you SCC. There, I advertised for you too. Now send out the complaints. And before you tell your members how I'm such a bad guy, remind them how I was the first one to help setup your chat software in the first place because you didn't know anything about it.  Yeah, I'm such a horrible site owner, who doesn't like competition and so on right? You're not the first person to come to me for help regarding setting up chat, or looking for info about running a chat site. . I have referred several to where to purchase the software over the years. And answer questions for them regarding. I got the emails to back that up too.

To be honest I'm kind of tired of the issues, I mean when I'm stressing over family health problems, and other things in my life, I don't want to come here and see spamming of my sites and among other things that I have to deal with.  I kept these places running this long because it was fun, now it just seems like endless work. Might I had the costs of running the site is not cheap either.

Anyway, I'm getting side tracked here, so I'll wrap things up.

On September 30th, 2020 I will be closing both Starlight Chat and Chat Resort. I think this will give everyone plenty of time to find a backup for avatars, and so on. I chose that date because September was the month the Starlight Chat was born. I just feel that it is fitting that is when it goes as well. So if it sits and remains unused, whatever.

I will not sell the domains, nor the chat software. Those will remain with me. So please do not send me emails in regards of wanting to take the sites over.

Besides the chat software is not mine to sell in the first place. Just something I purchased.

I put 20 years alone in Starlight Chat, to just give it up. This includes Dark Realms Chat too.

Lastly, I wish everyone well.

Thank you everyone for the amount of years you put up with me and the sites.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2019, 11:12:36 AM by David »

“Everything has to come to an end, sometime.”

― L. Frank Baum, The Marvelous Land of Oz

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Reply #1 on: March 26, 2020, 09:20:47 PM
So I want to address a couple of things....

I have heard the talk around a few times and people even asking me if closing the site is "Money" related. 
While that is part of the issue...and even though I know a few of you have asked to help out in that's not something I would feel comfortable doing.

However that is not the main issue to me.....

Nobody is around, or chooses to go elsewhere. This is a bigger issue for me than money. Room owners finding their home to another site even after purchasing one here and then talking about how "dead" it is here is the bigger issue to me than money.

Let's face it...20 years running Starlight Chat alone. Dark Realms Chat was closely behind that. Chat Resort as well. I think that is a good amount of years. Some ups and downs but even some of the bigger sites have that issues. You can't imagine how proud I have felt to be able to say 20 years. And I'm so very thankful to all of you for that help in that.  The passing of my father really did hit me hard. I have kind of struggled to get my mind into anything since. Perhaps more time that goes by I'll get that energy again.

The other issue at hand is this chat software is honestly dying off. Unless you are huge already established site with certain type of rooms that brings those certain troubles around....than your going to have a much harder time. The software here alone is nearly 25 years old. It has no more supported updates to it. And from what I get won't be either. That means as time goes by updated servers, scripts, software and such will mostly crash this thing down more and more. I don't personally have the skills in order to custom write up my own chat. So that alone brings more issues along as time goes by now. I have looked at having a chat server written up for me. But unless someone knows another who would write up things that I would like and how I would like it to work at a decent price ...then that won't be happening. I have tested a few other ones out that is on the market to purchase but ultimately most that have chat here doesn't like that setup. I understand that too...I prefer this look and feel as well.

So if you haven't heard from me regarding the site directly you can probably bet on most of it's untrue information. I'm open to emails or even discussion if I'm around the rooms if you want to speak about something.

Please keep in mind with the most recent events I'm doing other things in r/t that is keeping me a little busier than I would like to be as well.

Thank you all again  for the continued does mean a lot.

Congrats to those who have had an event or two recently and had a good turn out...or even tried. It's very nice to see I promise it doesn't go unnoticed.

“Everything has to come to an end, sometime.”

― L. Frank Baum, The Marvelous Land of Oz