Hello friends , I would like to try to start a weekly or biweekly group BDSM chat at My home *Pain & Pleasure*. We welcome all to come and talk , scene , renew friendships and make new ones . My purpose being to strengthen our community here at Starlight and perhaps draw some new folks to see how we differ from other sites collectively as a whole .
I’ll see how it goes and take any suggestions , can start at My home and if other owners wish , they may host another week at their home or Mine and the topic can be of their choosing as well.
I also encourage all to wear their boots in My room for such events in case it gets to be more than I can handle . A thing goes as long as within the site rules and there will be no disrespect or drama tolerated .
So please , come one and all to My home Sunday night , February 9 at 9pm EST and let’s see if we can get something fun going !
I also have thought about doing contests and game nights —s-
Thanks ,